August 13, 2024
13th Yamaha VR46 Master Camp Students Go Head-To-Head at the VR46 Motor Ranch on Day 5
The 13th-edition Yamaha VR46 Master Camp recruits returned to the VR46 Motor Ranch on Day 5 for two further flat track sessions. They also attended a flat track theory class during the intermission.
The 13th Yamaha VR46 Master Camp riders showed great progress on Day 5. They got in two more flat track sessions and had Flat Track Expert Marco Belli explain the discipline in more detail during a theory class.
Gonzalo Sanchez Melendez (age 15, Spain), Takumi Takahashi (age 16, Japan), Dorian Joulin (age 17, France), Aymon Bocanegra (age 14, Peru), Wahyu Nugroho (age 21, Indonesia), and Md Adamhaikal Bin Jahar (age 19, Malaysia) had been looking forward to riding the YZ250F bikes at the VR46 Motor Ranch once more. Belli was again present to give the students hints and tips, and Moto2 Rider Jeremy Alcoba joined the riders out on track in the morning to evaluate how they were applying the techniques.

With their technique already up to a good standard, Belli and Alcoba decided the Master Camp recruits were ready for a 'run-through' Americana race to practise this style of racing ahead of Day 6's real Americana race.
Alcoba was especially enthusiastic about the morning flat track session:
"Today I was not the main teacher, I was the assistant teacher, let's say. Also for me it was a day for listening and trying to understand how to go faster. The track was not in a perfect condition due to the extreme heat, but we still had fun, especially during the Americana race. I tried to stay with the guys and pass them to push them more to the limit.
"I don't do too much flat track racing normally, but when I do ride flat track, I always really like it. It's always fun.
"I was lucky: the guys' level was already good enough that they were ready to try the entire track in the morning, so I got to experience that too. It was always a dream of mine to ride at the VR46 Motor Ranch track, and it was even better than I imagined. This track is so much fun and really fast! Again, the conditions today were not the best - the drought caused a lot of dust, but it was still amazing!
"All in all, it was a great morning session. They guys were really fast, and they did a great job! My only advice to them is to keep pushing."

After a quick lunch, again at Bar, Ristorante e Pizzeria Da Rossi, the students were impatient to hop back aboard their YZ250F bikes. But first Belli had them assemble in the upstairs area of the VR46 Motor Ranch where they would go over track footage and close-up action shots to see where the riders could improve.
With this new knowledge, the riders went back to perfecting their flat track riding, and Belli suggested another Americana practice session to get them fully ready for tomorrow's challenge.
Belli summarized the intense flat track training day, saying:
"We had another super positive morning session. We picked up from where we left off on Day 3. So, we used a 'practice' Americana race to warm up the riders and get them ready for what's coming on Day 6. We did some special exercises as well to let the riders get a feel for the perfect body position on the motorcycle, better control of the throttle, and look in the right direction. Thanks also to Jeremy, who ran with us in the morning and pushed the guys to give it 100%.
"After lunch, we had the chance to watch some video footage and photos from earlier track action of every single rider. So, I worked one-on-one with them to correct every single aspect.
"In the afternoon, we could immediately start with a full track. This was very exciting for the guys.
"I was very pleased, because I saw that all riders had taken on board what tips I gave them in the theory class. I think it maybe took some time for them to grasp certain things. For example, when you hear an engine screaming, you might think that that means power, but no. It actually means you're having wheelspin. Today I saw them make the correct gearing choices, release the throttle in the right way, and ride the bike in a positive and effective way.
"We also did some practice starts with Day 6 in mind, which is the big day. I can't wait to see what will happen!"

Gonzalo Sanchez Melendez

On Day 5, during the morning flat track session, I felt a bit stressed on the bike, and also my body position wasn't so good. During the theory session, Marco told me that I must be more relaxed in order to be smoother on the bike. This helped me so much during the afternoon session, I felt so good! I had a fun day, so thanks to all involved. Day 6 will be the last day - it's the last dance.
Takumi Takahashi

In the morning, I think I started in a better condition than the last flat track session. Even in the morning practice, I felt that I had made big progress. The theory session in the afternoon was very helpful to understand Marco's points while objectively watching my riding in the video. I was able to see myself from a different perspective. In the full track session after the video lecture, I tried practising the tips and I found that I was able to ride more smoothly, as I expected.
Dorian Joulin

The morning session went well, and I quickly got my reference points on the Americana circuit. The advice given during the theory class that helped me the most was to look where you want to go and learn to manage the lean angle. In the afternoon, I rode slower in order to put into practice what I'd learnt, and it worked, enabling me to ride in a smoother way.
Aymon Bocanegra

I really enjoyed the flat track session, and I improved the more technical things on Day 5. Thanks to the video we watched during the theory session, I now know that I have to keep my eyes on the turn, look in the direction I want to go, and that I have to be smooth with the throttle. I loved the afternoon session because we have practised on the whole circuit, and I managed to use the tips we were given in the theory session.
Wahyu Nugroho

"The morning session went well and was fun. We got to do more things from Marco Belli, and it was really good. Marco is always giving us great input on how to ride better, how to find the limit, and that's why we can improve our knowledge so quickly. After the theory class, I tried to do what Marco had been saying, and it worked! It helps me a lot, and also we did a full track. It was really nice and fun!"
Md Adamhaikal Bin

"For me, it was a great experience, in the morning flat track session and in the 'practice' Americana I could try a lot that Marco taught us, for example how to enter the corner. The theory class was good. We could see our mistakes and that allowed us to improve, so I want to thank Marco Belli for taking the time to do this. The afternoon session was very good because I could practise some more. After the theory class I feel more confident, and I was able to make a lot of changes in my riding."