June 10, 2022
11th Yamaha VR46 Master Camp Pupils Show Riding Skills on Day 2
The second-day programme of the 11th Yamaha VR46 Master Camp was completely filled with activities that had the five riders return to Valentino Rossi's Motor Ranch.
Passkon Sanluang (aged 19) and Worapot Thongdonmaun (aged 16) from Thailand, Aldi Satya Mahendra (aged 15) from Indonesia, MD Aliff Danial Bin Muhammad Asri (aged 18) from Malaysia, and Maiki Abe (aged 18) from Japan were keen to step back aboard the YZ250F bikes for their second Flat Track lesson.
Instructor Marco Belli was very pleased with the progress they made, saying:
"Today was really, really good! We were impressed by the level they already reached on Day 2. In the morning we could immediately start with riding the Americana, and they were able to ride with Marco Bezzecchi. It was of course exciting for them, and also informative. After that, we used the full track, and the guys showed some good potential. The progression was really good, and I'm very happy with the job they did - it's was great to watch."
Back from lunch, they found five YZ125 bikes lined up at the Motor Ranch. But first their MotoGP eSport skills were tested in a friendly match-off. The winner was Aldi Satya Mahendra, with Worapot Thongdonmaun coming second and Maiki Abe finishing third.
Their teacher, reigning MotoGP eSport champion Lorenzo Daretti (aka Trastevere73), commented:
"I'm very proud of the riders! They improved a lot on Day 2, and they learn very fast. "I want to thank MSI Gaming for providing us with the monitors, PCs, and headphones so we could compete in the best way possible during this Master Camp. I'm sad my part is already over. Time flew by!"
After the gaming excitement, the riders were ready to tackle the next discipline, Soft Cross, with the help of Monster Energy Yamaha MotoGP's Franco Morbidelli and MX-expert Bryan Toccaceli. Both coaches were very pleased with the pupils' professionalism.
"We had fun!", shared Morbidelli. "I was surprised at their level. I was trying to teach them some things, but overall they were already good, so it was a really nice session!"
"It was a really good day, they are a great group of guys", said Toccaceli. "They were immediately very fast. I was actually very surprised by their level!
"I want to thank VR46, the riders Academy and Yamaha for having involved me once again in this great experience, I'm very happy."


"I felt more familiar with everything during the second Flat Track lesson, I learned how to choose the right lines and how to ride the Flat Track bike. I was excited to see Marco Bezzecchi and to be on track with him. I did better in the second MotoGP eSport session. I still had many crashes, but I did ride better. I enjoyed trying a new circuit with the slopes, going up and down. I learned how to control the motocross bike. I am so very happy to have met Franco Morbidelli. That was a great moment!"

"It was really fun to do Flat Tack again. I gained more experience in this discipline the second time round. I'm happy and so excited to have met Marco Bezzecchi. MotoGP eSport was more fun the second time because you know how to ride. It was also fun to join the Soft Cross session. I learned how to be in control when jumping up in the air. And I was so excited to meet Franco Morbidelli and have him teach us."

"I'm very happy because I improved a lot compared to Day 1. I learned directly from Marco Belli and Marco Bezzecchi. It was exciting to ride on the Flat Track together with Marco Bezzecchi. It's a rare experience that few people have, and I could not be happier. As for eSport, I do it quite often at home, but here with Lorenzo I have learned much more. I'm happy to be the Day-2 winner. Soft Cross is just amazing! It was a privilege to have Franco Morbidelli as my teacher. So special! The surface is very different from that in Indonesia, the track is simply wonderful. I'm very pleased to have this opportunity!"

"Today I have improved and gained more confidence. Still, I want to keep improving and my dream is to become as good as Marco Bezzecchi. At home I did not practise eSport a lot, and I'm happy to have the opportunity to learn it here. I hope to drastically improve. Motocross is really great fun, I like it a lot. My problem, however, is that the bike is too tall for me, and it becomes difficult to handle. But I'm so proud to have a teacher like Franco Morbidelli. It's fantastic to learn under the guidance of the best riders that before I used to see only on TV."

"It was my second day at the Ranch, so I got feeling with the flat track and rode well. Riding with Marco, I found that he's good at hitting the apex on curves, so it was a useful session. I'm happy to have had two consecutive days of eSports. On the second day, I got a better feeling with the circuits and the game. I'm very happy with my third prize that I secured in the match. The track where I usually practise in Japan is sandy, so I got a new experience today during the Soft Cross session. Regarding Franco, he is very good at teaching us. I had a really good time learning from him."