Mandy Kainz: We're in the Best Shape Ever, So All We Need Is a Perfect Race

Last year finally we won the title and that was a big relief for us.

Year after year, we were always the fastest, but something always seemed to happen that kept us from winning the title. Last year, we went up against some of the strongest teams ever in the EWC and we still won, so to do it in that kind of situation was something special. To be honest, after last year's Suzuka 8 Hours, I didn't think we could still win the title. We didn't even print up champion t-shirts! When I asked the team if we should make them, they said it's a waste. "We'll just have to throw them away..." [laughs] So, even though we weren't mentally prepared to win, we went all-in and gave it our best at the Bol d'Or, and we ended up winning the title.

This is my second time to win the EWC title, and of course the first one [in 2009] was special because it was the first. But that year we won with ease, so it wasn't quite as exciting as last year's. Honestly, I think that 2009 title was too early for us. Because we had to wait so long for the next one, winning it last year was extra special.

Being the reigning champions, we get to use the #1 for the first time in a long time and it feels quite strange. When I look at the timesheets, I still look for #7! It takes me a little while to realize, "Oh yeah, we're #1 this year!" [laughs]

We're already two races into the season, and overall, the whole team is relaxed--especially the riders. We've been together with the same riders, mechanics, and partners for many years now, and we trust each other like a big family. Now that we've won the title together, the whole team trusts each other, and the bikes and tires even more. So I think we're at our best right now. Also, we don't have the pressure of needing to win the title like we did last year, so it makes it easier for everyone to relax and do a great job. That's one of our big strengths.

The race we put together at Spa was, I think in the 25 years of our team's history, the most perfect race we've ever done there. We had a strategy of pushing aggressively and continuously, and we made no mistakes with that and won the race. Honestly, it was like we ran a Superbike race for eight hours. At Le Mans, we were leading for two-thirds of the race and had a six-lap lead, but Karel crashed. That's just what happens sometimes in endurance racing. It was a bit of a relief for us that the Le Mans winners are a team that hasn't won the title for many years. If we could have won Le Mans, this season would be a bit more magical.

Since there are only four rounds in the EWC season, it's half-finished already. There are many strong teams in the EWC, but in recent years, few teams have been able to win two races in a season. This year we've done well so far, with two pole positions, 3rd place at Le Mans, and a win at Spa.

And now it's time for the Suzuka 8 Hours. In this race, every one of the 60 teams that starts the race has the chance to win. I think Spa prepared us well for Suzuka. Through the whole weekend, we did well with our race pace and pit stops, and during the race weekend the riders worked on pushing each other to be faster, and the mechanics did the same.

I'll say it again, but our three riders already have the title in their pockets. They're world champions already, so the pressure is off and they're calm. As a team, I think we're consistently fast and we never give up. YART has grown into a team that I'd never want to compete against if I were on another team!

For this year's Suzuka 8 Hours, we've decided not to worry about finishing positions. Instead, we just want to do our own perfect race and not worry too much about getting a podium. To everyone I want to say, "Enjoy watching YART during the race weekend!" And also, everyone please pray that we can finish the race without any issues!

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